1.   There, my own history cracked wide open.

2.   An honored guest occasionally cracks open the sliding glass door and comes out, as if for a brief whiff of vox pop.

3.   And in the millennia since an early hominid first cracked one open with a rock, humankind has developed somewhat more sophisticated techniques and tools for the task.

4.   Girl hearts could be heard cracking wide open all the way to Florida City.

5.   Having cracked open the gate, Citron drove right through it.

6.   He cracked open his door, and he saw the men rolling Big Bird onto his stomach in the hallway and handcuffing his thick wrists behind his back.

7.   He cracked open a bottle of mineral water and took a couple of slow pulls.

8.   His head cracked open like an egg hit against a skillet.

9.   In other words, a sub made of ordinary concrete and subjected to even a mild tensile force could crack open like an egg.

10.   Leave the pods on the plant until they are paper-dry and just beginning to crack open.

v. + open >>共 155
split 6.53%
burst 6.37%
pop 4.52%
pry 4.19%
slide 4.02%
throw 3.35%
crack 3.02%
hang 2.85%
rip 2.68%
leave 2.51%
crack + n. >>共 335
joke 14.51%
case 5.28%
smile 4.32%
code 3.72%
rib 3.42%
whip 3.35%
egg 3.27%
wall 2.60%
cocaine 1.93%
skull 1.93%
open 1.34%
每页显示:    共 18