1.   But they did not bring it to the floor until they received assurances that neither country intended to use sanctions to punish the other for labor or environmental infractions.

2.   No Asian or African country intends to compete in the Star.

3.   The country intends to keep its rice monopoly.

4.   Zea Flores, the Guatemalan cultural official, said his country intends to seek the return of the objects.

5.   An Indian official close to the Geneva talks reiterated Wednesday that his country intends to block the treaty.

6.   He added his country intended to continue liberalizing its economy and aligning it with the rules of the world trade body.

7.   He said Ganic and Muratovic assured him their country intends to comply with details of the Dayton accord.

8.   He does not see NATO expansion as a threat, and his country intends to remain neutral.

9.   Initially, the two countries had intended to sign the contract in November of last year.

10.   The three countries intend to collaborate to fight organized crime, illegal migration, smuggling and terrorism, he said.

n. + intend >>共 801
government 9.45%
company 8.37%
group 3.29%
administration 2.31%
official 1.82%
president 1.47%
party 1.09%
bank 0.98%
team 0.91%
authority 0.88%
country 0.74%
country + v. >>共 779
be 15.39%
have 8.13%
need 2.14%
agree 1.94%
face 1.40%
sign 1.37%
want 1.23%
take 1.17%
say 1.13%
make 1.04%
intend 0.08%
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