1.   I believe we need to radically rethink the whole way we consume energy.

2.   We need to rethink the way we consume energy.

3.   Take, for instance, our approach to transport.

4.   Winning fuel and materials pollutes, consumes energy, destroys habitat.

5.   We all consume energy in the form of food and drink.

6.   If we consume more energy than we expend, the surplus is stored as fat.

7.   The body, for example, consumes energy in the form of carbohydrate, fats and proteins.

8.   But these scrubbers consume so much energy that they can only be used on nuclear submarines.

9.   Ceiling fans consume little energy but provide instant heat relief.

v. + energy >>共 385
have 8.56%
conserve 5.78%
use 4.06%
save 3.90%
focus 3.63%
provide 3.02%
devote 2.45%
produce 2.18%
put 1.91%
expend 1.75%
consume 0.94%
consume + n. >>共 469
alcohol 4.31%
amount 3.89%
life 2.54%
lot 2.45%
energy 2.37%
food 2.20%
most 2.03%
quantity 1.78%
power 1.61%
calorie 1.52%
每页显示:    共 28