1.   The biggest achievement to date is to get dealers to sign a Declaration that they are not dealing in conflict diamonds.

2.   By publicly supporting the campaign against conflict diamonds, for instance, De Beers strengthened its position in the far more valuable market for clean diamonds.

3.   Global Witness, a London nongovernment group, has also been important in raising public concern about conflict diamonds.

4.   Industry officials, who want to avoid protests like those that have plagued the fur industry, say they are committed to stopping the sale of conflict diamonds.

5.   Introduced last month, the code offers a guarantee that conflict diamonds will not be sold by De Beers or its associates.

6.   It also would give proceeds from the seizure of conflict diamonds to victims.

7.   So far, jewelry shop owners have not been fielding many questions about conflict diamonds anyway.

8.   The council unveiled draft legislation in January also intended to ban conflict diamonds.

9.   The Clean Diamonds Act can stop the killing by blocking the sale of conflict diamonds and profits these terrorists use to wage war.

10.   They hope that supporting it will distance them from the stigma of conflict diamonds.

n. + diamond >>共 52
baseball 46.80%
conflict 8.87%
softball 4.93%
blood 3.45%
quality 3.45%
gem-quality 2.96%
gem 1.97%
ball 1.48%
market 1.48%
nut 0.99%
conflict + n. >>共 137
resolution 28.16%
zone 15.15%
area 5.05%
prevention 5.05%
diamond 3.50%
situation 3.50%
management 2.72%
end 2.52%
program 0.97%
mediation 0.78%
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