1.   Both the House and the Senate must confirm the nominee.

2.   Bush could fire Prewitt, but there is no guarantee he could get his own nominee confirmed quickly in a Senate evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans.

3.   Bush, through his spokesman, said he was pleased his nominee was finally confirmed.

4.   But Cuomo had been having difficulty getting his nominees confirmed by the Senate, which was dominated by Republicans.

5.   Currently, there are two vacancies, at least until the Senate confirms nominees Susan Bies and Mark Olson.

6.   Democrats in particular are trying to show some muscle as they insist that they will not simply stand aside and confirm any nominees they deem right-wing ideologues.

7.   Declaring ideological views a legitimate concern in deciding whether to confirm nominees, the Democrats were only stating the obvious.

8.   He may have support for such a review at the commission if the four new FCC nominees are confirmed, as expected.

9.   Indeed, barring extreme circumstances, presidents are entitled to have their nominees confirmed.

10.   It has been five years since a nominee was confirmed to the D.C. Court of Appeals.

v. + nominee >>共 175
choose 7.53%
reject 6.65%
select 5.43%
announce 5.25%
confirm 5.25%
pick 3.50%
support 2.98%
approve 2.80%
block 2.45%
submit 2.28%
confirm + n. >>共 602
report 23.27%
death 2.93%
arrest 1.93%
attack 1.79%
identity 1.68%
incident 1.47%
figure 1.44%
detail 1.43%
account 1.35%
finding 1.22%
nominee 0.26%
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