1.   Their differing concerns have led the two groups to dwell upon different regions of the Empire.

2.   Safety concerns have led them to halt work on the dam.

3.   Callan and Hackett speculate that such concerns might lead the Department of Defense to choose two suppliers for the fighter program.

4.   Concern about abuse led the Philippines to ban advertisements for women to become mail-order brides.

5.   Her concern with movement led her to motion pictures, and among her earliest films were dance-related shorts.

6.   Interest rate concern has led Banco de Quilmes to invest mainly in the money market and short term notes until last week, Carpatti said.

7.   Inflation concern may lead some analysts to buy bonds instead of stocks, said George Vasic, strategist at Bunting Warburg Inc., in a commentary.

8.   Safety concerns already have led U.S. regulators to impose tight restrictions on xenotransplant experiments, while some experts are advocating a blanket moratorium on clinical trials.

9.   Security concerns apparently led to an unusual last-minute change in plans for the Monday itinerary.

10.   Safety concerns led to the actions.

n. + lead >>共 1747
share 2.07%
stock 1.39%
investigation 1.12%
company 0.84%
move 0.83%
road 0.79%
talk 0.70%
incident 0.66%
bank 0.61%
case 0.60%
concern 0.21%
concern + v. >>共 508
be 59.83%
grow 2.43%
remain 1.54%
prompt 1.04%
mount 1.01%
arise 0.73%
have 0.71%
include 0.65%
hurt 0.63%
seem 0.60%
lead 0.56%
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