1.   A number of models exist which can help to develop a conceptual framework to explain motivation at work.

2.   Both theoretical and practical problems exist in fashioning out conceptual frameworks for the development of the continent.

3.   But it is in developing a coherent conceptual framework for such discussion that the book is least successful.

4.   For these are, of their very nature, dependent on the acknowledgement of existing conceptual frameworks.

5.   Simmons proceeds to offer a stronger conceptual framework.

6.   Some political scientists think it is an overused and seriously flawed conceptual framework for political analysis.

7.   The conceptual framework it has produced is particularly pertinent to the discussion here.

8.   There are discernible cases of the Presocratics being influenced by conceptual frameworks, but they are not scientific frameworks.

9.   Utilitarian notions in the social sciences are not enough for even providing a conceptual framework for grasping what actually happens.

10.   Such an emphasis leaves the analysis constrained by its relatively narrow conceptual framework.

a. + framework >>共 358
legal 14.44%
new 6.67%
regulatory 6.44%
basic 3.14%
theoretical 1.88%
constitutional 1.88%
political 1.73%
conceptual 1.57%
institutional 1.57%
international 1.26%
conceptual + n. >>共 158
framework 7.63%
approach 3.05%
problem 2.67%
stage 2.67%
leap 2.29%
thinking 2.29%
work 1.91%
model 1.91%
flaw 1.53%
difficulty 1.53%
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