1.   Can scientists unravel the complex interactions of chemicals within foods?

2.   Functional courses which classify discourse by function alone often overlook this complex interaction.

3.   Many complex interactions can take place with the co-precipitation of two or more minerals of different density.

4.   Self-sustaining agriculture must move towards greater internal recycling, which means more nutrient and energy flow routes and more complex interactions within the system.

5.   Recent developments in matrix biochemistry and cell biology have offered a fascinating insight into the complex interaction of hepatocytes and their surrounding matrix in both health and disease.

6.   Weathering occurs through complex interactions between the lithosphere, the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the biosphere, and gives rise to three major types of product.

7.   The proposition picked out by the utterance of, as with the referent of next Thursday, depends on complex interactions between deictic and non-deictic factors.

8.   The auditory quality resulting from the complex interaction of laryngeal and supralaryngeal features.

9.   Any behavior in dogs, experts emphasize, depends heavily on a complex interaction of genes, upbringing, and the environment, as well as health and training.

10.   Around the rest of the world, we rely on head nods, and many other small expressions, to set the rhythm of complex interactions with other people.

a. + interaction >>共 300
social 14.65%
human 6.30%
complex 4.11%
face-to-face 2.83%
personal 2.70%
greater 1.67%
family 1.41%
dangerous 1.29%
normal 1.16%
one-on-one 1.03%
complex + n. >>共 1146
issue 4.06%
system 3.07%
problem 2.34%
process 1.93%
case 1.70%
relationship 1.40%
structure 1.38%
question 1.23%
web 1.22%
formula 1.05%
interaction 0.60%
每页显示:    共 32