1.   A further reminder is the complaints procedure which members of the public can initiate against police officers.

2.   All voluntary agencies funded by the Department of Social Work must also now operate a complaints procedure.

3.   An independent complaints procedure should be established for youngsters in care, she says.

4.   Once eye-witness statements have been obtained then proceed to obtain statements relative to systems of inspection, complaints procedures, etc.

5.   The Association also operates a complaints procedure.

6.   The Bill ensures that there is a clear complaints procedures should things go wrong.

7.   The company is obliged to tell you how to use its complaints procedure.

8.   There is a very straightforward complaints procedure you must follow.

9.   What prospect has the prisoner of redress if he abandons the complaints procedure and applies to the courts?

10.   You must follow the normal complaints procedure.

n. + procedure >>共 788
security 6.42%
safety 4.55%
abortion 2.48%
custom 2.03%
court 1.82%
election 1.76%
police 1.73%
selection 1.73%
extradition 1.42%
registration 1.33%
complaint 0.79%
complaint + n. >>共 105
procedure 8.64%
form 6.98%
process 6.64%
letter 4.98%
bureau 3.65%
department 3.32%
system 2.99%
state 2.99%
authority 2.66%
record 1.99%
每页显示:    共 26