1.   Another high-end department store Midopa Co. has allocated more space in their stores for low-profit-margin commodity items, such as food and electronics.

2.   Further, Bath and Body Works has clearly tried to turn its product mix into one of a commodity item, simply through its real estate strategy.

3.   It will concentrate on areas where it is strong and improve its selection of clothing, and focus less on commodity items such as towels and prices.

4.   Marketing gurus have found that when a critical level is reached, complex units such as computers become a commodity item customers buy in great volume.

5.   Most of the savings are occurring among routine commodity items, where competition is stiff and price is the main draw.

6.   Personal computers have become commodity items, with prices falling quickly and competitors scrambling to offer the lowest-cost, fastest machines.

7.   Soon Raytheon was losing contracts to manufacture missiles that it had previously won -- commodity items like Sidewinders, Sparrows and the like.

8.   The coffee maker and the dustbuster, classic commodity items, will be slam-dunks, right?

9.   The investment is intended to shift the company away from DRAMs, or memory chips, which are commodity items.

10.   Web-only retailers also do well selling commodity items such as books and music CDs.

n. + item >>共 523
food 9.20%
news 6.47%
luxury 5.84%
agendum 4.60%
menu 4.50%
consumer 2.83%
medium 2.54%
export 2.01%
gift 1.82%
ticket 1.58%
commodity 0.57%
commodity + n. >>共 172
price 35.55%
market 15.09%
fund 6.47%
exchange 4.55%
trader 3.21%
business 2.68%
group 1.75%
index 1.46%
broker 1.40%
producer 1.22%
item 0.70%
每页显示:    共 12