1.   Authority is the central focus of hierarchy, which is the chief coordinating mechanism of work organizations.

2.   Next Time A central focus of the next issues will be on communicating research.

3.   Rather, the central focus of the magic is the weather-vane on top of the Great Tower.

4.   The central focus is the development of leisure interests during adolescence and the theoretical framework draws upon recent work in social cognition.

5.   The central focus of all this railway activity was, however, the railway station.

6.   The central focus of the analysis is therefore on developments in, and changes in the interrelationships between, sport and medicine.

7.   This is the composite word on the triangle which is the central focus of every Royal Arch chapter.

8.   Its central focus was a joint commitment to abolish all non-tariff barriers between the two countries.

9.   It will provide a comprehensive district-wide service for the first time, and act as a central focus for the community.

a. + focus >>共 502
main 11.71%
new 5.73%
primary 4.89%
major 3.89%
sharp 2.45%
central 2.09%
narrow 2.04%
sharper 1.84%
intense 1.80%
greater 1.52%
central + n. >>共 624
banker 6.14%
role 3.28%
issue 2.74%
country 2.59%
state 2.58%
defender 2.26%
committee 2.16%
region 2.13%
part 2.01%
figure 1.99%
focus 0.43%
每页显示:    共 52