1.   Does your HMO offer cancer screening for women?

2.   New developments in cervical cancer screening and prevention.

3.   This discovery opens up tremendous possibilities for cancer screening.

4.   This is the only country in Europe to deny cancer screening to its citizens.

5.   Reducing waiting times and advice on diet, smoking and alcohol will be tackled on Tyneside while encouraging breast and cervical cancer screening will be targetted in Sunderland.

6.   President, Congress, Theresa, Liverpool, North Wales and Ireland moving motion two five eight on cancer screening.

7.   The right to time off with pay for cancer screening.

8.   Among them were a bill to compel insurers to cover cancer screenings and birth control, and a separate bill mandating coverage for fertility treatments.

9.   And if they do have health insurance, it may not cover the cancer screening.

10.   As for cancer screening, the likelihood that women will have regular mammograms declines with age, even though breast cancer becomes increasingly common as the women grow older.

n. + screening >>共 150
cancer 13.38%
security 5.74%
test 5.16%
film 4.97%
health 4.59%
preview 3.63%
drug 3.63%
advance 2.87%
breast 2.87%
airport 2.68%
cancer + n. >>共 364
patient 13.46%
cell 10.60%
treatment 8.74%
surgery 5.30%
drug 5.13%
research 5.09%
risk 4.01%
rate 3.19%
survivor 2.75%
death 2.27%
screening 1.46%
每页显示:    共 70