1.   Barbara Reynolds, a spokeswoman for the CDC, said that the agency did not track hepatitis C infections in connection with endoscopic exams.

2.   Granted, his liver cancer probably resulted from the hepatitis C infection he acquired from a blood transfusion years ago.

3.   Hepatitis C infection causes jaundice, flu-like symptoms, and can damage the liver.

4.   Hepatitis C infection is spread person-to-person, mainly through blood or blood products.

5.   Hepatitis C infections are multiplying in prisons beyond the United States.

6.   Still, any examination of hepatitis C infection rates among minorities can be a sensitive matter.

7.   The number of deaths so alarmed him that in June he asked two local laboratories to begin sending him positive test results for hepatitis C infections.

8.   Their experience shows how serious hepatitis C infections can be.

9.   A combination of two virus-fighting drugs has proved considerably more effective against chronic hepatitis C infections than the standard single medicine.

10.   Hepatitis C infection is even higher among intravenous drug users, blood-transfused patients, and those with chronic liver disease.

a. + infection >>共 424
viral 12.19%
respiratory 9.08%
bacterial 8.52%
new 4.75%
serious 2.81%
staph 2.60%
intestinal 2.25%
fungal 2.22%
severe 2.01%
upper 1.87%
c 0.55%
c + n. >>共 152
b 21.58%
virus 7.19%
infection 3.84%
grade 3.36%
patient 2.88%
share 2.40%
average 2.16%
treatment 2.16%
game 1.44%
match 1.44%
每页显示:    共 16