1.   So, when buying an alternative energy generator what should a buyer look for?

2.   Farmers bring their animals, buyers look and then bid.

3.   First, it checks that the salesperson has understood the kinds of benefits the buyer is looking for.

4.   Buyers are currently looking at stocking these items.

5.   Buyers are currently looking at packaging of inner soles which would need to be changed if we were to stock them.

6.   And as buyers look beyond banks to finance their deals, the trend could also help to lift the junk bond market.

7.   Atwood said buyers have looked at the portfolio and that the bank expects to sell those loans in the first quarter.

8.   A buyer should be looking at this decision right now as a long-term investment, not as an investment for speculative gain.

9.   A buyer should look for a National Drug Code, or NDC, number on the label to be sure it qualifies.

10.   Disney buyers are mostly looking for horses to hitch to old-fashioned streetcars at theme parks.

n. + look >>共 1193
company 3.25%
people 2.37%
investor 2.18%
police 1.83%
thing 1.82%
investigator 1.67%
team 1.47%
official 1.37%
government 1.19%
future 1.07%
buyer 0.14%
buyer + v. >>共 589
be 20.73%
have 5.73%
pay 2.26%
want 2.23%
include 2.21%
get 2.07%
take 1.71%
come 1.49%
say 1.43%
use 1.13%
look 0.83%
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