1.   Broadcasters have fought the V-chip, saying it violates the First Amendment.

2.   Broadcasters are fighting to make sure other lawmakers adopt that kind of outlook.

3.   Broadcasters also will fight McCain-led efforts to require more free time from TV stations for political candidates as part of a larger effort to overhaul campaign financing.

4.   But broadcasters have been fighting the idea, arguing that it would be tantamount to government censorship and would not be effective.

5.   But commercial television broadcasters are fighting the idea, saying it would violate the constitutional rights of free speech.

6.   But local English-language broadcasters are fighting the changes, which would include removing meters from English-language households.

7.   Even so, traditional radio broadcasters fought the introduction of satellite-delivered radio programs as a threat to their own, geographically limited, analog-quality broadcasts.

8.   Internet radio broadcasters are fighting a federal plan to make them pay a new form of royalty to record companies that some say will put them out of business.

9.   Television broadcasters have fought tenaciously for these frequencies and say they are essential if over-the-air television is to enter the digital era.

10.   Traditional radio broadcasters fought the introduction of satellite-delivered radio programs as a threat to their own, geographically limited, analog-quality broadcasts.

n. + fight >>共 978
rebel 7.83%
group 4.49%
troop 4.34%
force 2.87%
guerrilla 2.59%
company 2.52%
soldier 2.23%
country 2.06%
government 1.77%
man 1.67%
broadcaster 0.22%
broadcaster + v. >>共 329
say 8.65%
be 8.47%
have 5.55%
report 2.73%
use 2.16%
offer 2.07%
want 1.88%
pay 1.88%
provide 1.88%
oppose 1.79%
fight 1.13%
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