1.   Butler briefed the council today behind closed doors.

2.   He is expected back in time to brief the council Tuesday.

3.   In recent weeks, the council has been briefed on the political standoff in Madagascar and the possible renewal of civil war in Liberia.

4.   Kozyrev is expected to meet here on Monday with Secretary of State Warren Christopher and is to brief the council on Monday or Tuesday, Russian diplomats said.

5.   The Americans and British convened a meeting behind closed doors on Monday afternoon to brief the council on details of the military strikes.

6.   The council was briefed on the attack by Bernard Miyet, the head of U.N. peacekeeping operations, and Sadako Ogata, the U.N. high commissioner for refugees.

7.   A U.S. official said Albright and an unidentified U.S. expert would brief the council and display a graphic showing the planes were shot down over international waters.

8.   After a stop in Paris, he arrived Tuesday morning in New York, where he was to brief the council.

9.   Albright spoke after Lt. Gen. Bernard Janvier, the commander of U.N. forces in former Yugoslavia, briefed the council.

10.   After briefing the council, Annan told reporters he was optimistic it would approve the increase.

v. + council >>共 263
set_up 4.45%
create 3.90%
brief 3.80%
join 3.47%
address 2.28%
say 2.17%
head 2.06%
accuse 1.95%
establish 1.84%
make_up 1.74%
brief + n. >>共 203
reporter 19.07%
leader 5.34%
official 5.34%
member 4.48%
room 4.19%
president 4.10%
council 3.34%
journalist 2.48%
press 2.29%
minister 1.62%
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