1.   Company also sells tea cups and pots as well as baked goods and brewed coffee.

2.   One of us made a fire and we brewed coffee and lay in the autumn sun.

3.   The burning wood takes the edge off the morning cold, and it helps brew our coffee.

4.   The pudding went down like a dream, in blessed silence, and Christopher and Francis disappeared to brew coffee.

5.   Back indoors, she brewed coffee and ate a hasty breakfast before settling down to work.

6.   Assign a talker to brew the coffee, a strong woman to scrub the pots and the female guest with the lowest self-esteem to empty your dishwasher.

7.   At the same time, housewives were brewing their coffee weaker in order to save money.

8.   Brews coffee.

9.   He pulled ashore, built a fire and brewed some coffee.

10.   In general, says the owner of a coffee bar in the state Capitol, Democrats favor espresso drinks, and Republicans favor plain ole brewed coffee.

v. + coffee >>共 225
drink 16.44%
sip 11.23%
have 7.02%
make 5.28%
serve 4.61%
pour 3.28%
buy 2.54%
want 2.14%
sell 2.07%
spill 2.07%
brew 1.27%
brew + n. >>共 62
beer 21.43%
tea 12.99%
coffee 12.34%
pot 3.25%
sake 2.60%
ale 1.95%
brand 1.95%
pub 1.95%
technique 1.95%
tension 1.95%
每页显示:    共 19