1.   Naturally, Hanoi heralded the bombing halt and the peace talks in Paris as great victories.

2.   American officials rejected the request for a bombing halt, asserting that the Taliban, not American air raids, were blocking food distribution.

3.   A bombing halt would have paved the way for talks with Hanoi.

4.   Do you believe that the bombs being dropped between bombing halts by the NATO forces are forcing the Serbs to negotiate?

5.   He has now ordered two bombing halts, and while bombing from planes appeared to be minimal Friday, the artillery assault on the city has never been heavier.

6.   Instead, they anticipated a relatively quick Serb troop withdrawal, followed by a NATO bombing halt and then a U.N. Security Council resolution.

7.   Musharraf told reporters that he planned to discuss with the U.S. defense secretary a bombing halt during Ramadan, the Muslim holy month that begins in mid-November.

8.   NATO is also demanding that Yugoslav forces start pulling out of Kosovo before any bombing halt.

9.   Pataki has recently called for a bombing halt at Vieques.

10.   A Russian delegation source who briefed reporters on condition of anonymity said Moscow was insisting on a bombing halt before a U.N. resolution is passed.

a. + halt >>共 122
immediate 16.77%
temporary 12.69%
abrupt 8.98%
screeching 8.38%
complete 5.51%
grinding 4.43%
trading 4.43%
virtual 3.95%
sudden 3.35%
bombing 3.23%
bombing + n. >>共 238
campaign 22.86%
raid 13.67%
attack 9.88%
run 5.46%
range 3.27%
victim 3.18%
suspect 2.91%
case 2.73%
mission 2.64%
plot 1.94%
halt 0.82%
每页显示:    共 27