1.   Get a bike, find a willing friend, and explore the bike trails.

2.   There are bike trails to the highest spot on the island, which has magnificent views of San Francisco.

3.   In Flagstaff, Arizona, a thousand miles of bike trails lead into the San Francisco Peaks, the highest summit in the state.

4.   For more energetic types, there will be miles of jogging and bike trails, tennis courts and a public golf course.

5.   Grimes is particularly concerned about the proposed bike trail down the Copper, a project enthusiastically supported by Alaska Gov. Tony Knowles.

6.   Guides use not only existing ski trails, but hiking and mountain bike trails as well.

7.   He opposes using federal transportation money to pay for projects like bike trails and historic renovations.

8.   In winter, a network of extensive bike trails attracts snowmobilers and skiers.

9.   Jonah Brucker-Cohen and Shii Ann Huang created Netgym, connecting stationary bicycles to computers that showed a virtual bike trail.

10.   Later she bought good running shoes to run eight laps around her apartment complex, and then she graduated to the Trinity River bike trail.

n. + trail >>共 296
campaign 54.25%
infiltration 3.29%
comeback 3.08%
mountain 2.92%
money 2.82%
ski 2.40%
guerrilla 1.88%
bike 1.62%
acquisition 1.30%
audit 0.99%
bike + n. >>共 180
ride 11.07%
path 10.79%
shop 5.26%
trail 4.29%
messenger 4.15%
lane 3.73%
rider 3.60%
race 2.90%
rack 2.63%
tour 2.63%
每页显示:    共 31