1.   This gives the best indication of future operating performance.

2.   It should be noted that the mail system and ERROR.LOG file often provide the best indication of the cause of the problem.

3.   The best indication which can be given to pupils, parents or others concerned would be the level or levels at which the pupils are working.

4.   And Polynice gave the best indication yet that the team could still trade Campbell.

5.   But Bulls coach Bill Cartwright offered perhaps the best indication the last shot came too late.

6.   But perhaps the best indication that the stakes are mounting may lie in how quickly the rifle association moved to get out its message and what forum it chose.

7.   Corporate profit forecasts for the current year, which began in April, will provide the best indication yet.

8.   Hugh-Jones said the best indication of a bioterrorist event would be multiple cases.

9.   On Tuesday, Todd Hundley provided the best indication that Rick Reed, a former replacement player, has been accepted by his teammates.

10.   Reid, from the Bronx, N.Y., generally is the best indication of which way the wind is blowing.

a. + indication >>共 238
immediate 16.77%
early 11.58%
first 10.00%
clear 9.00%
strong 5.43%
good 3.33%
latest 3.19%
initial 2.81%
further 2.43%
preliminary 2.10%
best 0.86%
best + n. >>共 923
way 7.61%
player 4.01%
friend 3.26%
thing 2.87%
chance 2.44%
team 2.22%
interest 1.65%
time 1.47%
record 1.32%
part 1.22%
indication 0.05%
每页显示:    共 18