1.   American troops will not be part of the multinational security force being assembled under British leadership which is expected to begin its mission within days.

2.   As Zachary, you begin each mission by leading a squadron of fighter pilots out of the zeppelin toward your target.

3.   Before Navy Sea-Air-Land, or SEAL, teams can begin a mission, they must hide the wet suits they wore while swimming to shore.

4.   After an extensive operation in Palestinian areas early this month, Israeli tanks and forces pulled back when Zinni began his mission.

5.   After two years of training, the Endeavour crew was clearly eager to begin its mission as they arrived in Florida from Houston.

6.   Canadian light-infantry forces began a mission over the weekend.

7.   Esselstyn and other Springfield firefighters have begun a mission.

8.   Fourteen young rats that began the mission at an older age remained healthy as did a small population of adult rats.

9.   Last week, the soldiers began reconnaisance missions along the border in support of the NATO troops waiting in Macedonia to implement a Kosovo peace plan.

10.   Previously, pilots had begun their missions with predetermined targets.

v. + mission >>共 524
fly 6.23%
accomplish 3.29%
have 3.29%
complete 3.20%
extend 2.29%
send 2.23%
lead 2.03%
launch 1.90%
continue 1.68%
approve 1.65%
begin 1.55%
begin + n. >>共 773
talk 5.97%
work 5.38%
career 3.78%
negotiation 3.71%
investigation 3.10%
process 2.20%
operation 2.05%
campaign 1.95%
proceeding 1.64%
search 1.43%
mission 0.29%
每页显示:    共 48