1.   Although North Korea later acceded to the nuclear accord, Pentagon officials acknowledged that they have little insight as to who is actually running the country.

2.   As for whether Mexico might be running the risk of fueling inflation because of its high growth, economists say a situation like that still seems far off.

3.   Bangkok is one of the few places in the world where a jaywalker risks being run over by a kitchen.

4.   Because salaried doctors may not work as hard as when they are running their own practices, health maintenance organizations often offer bonuses to reward productivity.

5.   But public confusion over who is running the investigation and containment of a health care crisis can create its own sort of hazards, health experts said.

6.   But the posts of president and Communist Party chief remain vacant, and some people voice doubt about who is really running the show.

7.   But there is no doubt as to who is running the show.

8.   But these are little kids who have sat through a three-hour movie in which half the time people are running for their lives and dying.

9.   Carr told him not to worry about the guys he was competing against or what routes the receivers were running, just worry about improving himself.

10.   Did Lungren, who is running for governor, fear a high profile would have hurt his campaign?

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box 1.83%
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be 15.20%
ask 3.21%
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seem 3.01%
appear 2.16%
do 1.81%
go 1.78%
hold 1.57%
pay 1.06%
use 0.83%
run 0.54%
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