1.   But Tommy Tomsen, president of Maersk, insisted that his company was not using Baltimore as a bargaining ploy.

2.   Dullea said the parking issue was nothing but a bargaining ploy.

3.   However, they had previously announced wrongly that an agreement had been reached, possibly using the announcements as a bargaining ploy.

4.   However, Korean officials had previously announced wrongly that an agreement had been reached, possibly using such an announcement as a bargaining ploy.

5.   It appears to be a bargaining ploy, an act designed to show the unions that the owners can be tough.

6.   Some families will seemingly stoop to any bargaining ploy to pry a few more dollars out of an institution.

7.   But most observers who follow the company said Bestfoods was likely using the speculation as a bargaining ploy to extract a higher offer from Unilever.

8.   But North Korea reiterated that it is prepared to scrap the agreement and rejected suggestions that its resistance to accepting South Korean-made reactors is a bargaining ploy.

9.   He said he suspected it was simply a bargaining ploy.

10.   Some Korea watchers, however, said the timing was likely a bargaining ploy.

a. + ploy >>共 185
political 13.94%
marketing 12.29%
negotiating 4.40%
motivational 3.49%
psychological 3.49%
cynical 3.12%
bargaining 2.20%
pre-election 2.20%
clever 2.02%
israeli 1.83%
bargaining + n. >>共 109
table 37.17%
power 14.15%
session 10.76%
position 9.56%
unit 2.93%
tool 1.88%
leverage 1.81%
process 1.81%
team 1.05%
talk 0.98%
ploy 0.90%
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