1.   Bloch advised Congress to implement new programs in order to balance the scale.

2.   After four years, his well-documented story of Olympic heartbreak finally had a triumphant tale to balance the scales.

3.   Finally, there is the argument that execution balances the scales, which is a point with its roots in religion and culture.

4.   He said compounding was becoming a lost art, and pointed to the old-fashioned balance scales he now seldom uses.

5.   In civil trials, however, the scales are balanced more in favor of the victims, lawyers say.

6.   It cannot remove the loss or balance the scales and it is not meant to do so.

7.   It was a sweep, a vengeful smack that balanced the scales.

8.   Power, prestige and paychecks are seductive counterweights when we balance our internal scales of right and wrong.

9.   Some say differentiating by size does not help balance the scales in any case.

10.   That ought to balance the scales in your job search a bit.

v. + scale >>共 216
tip 20.37%
use 4.63%
have 3.70%
balance 2.78%
reduce 1.67%
tilt 1.48%
limit 1.48%
change 1.11%
match 1.11%
establish 1.11%
balance + n. >>共 672
budget 43.57%
book 3.70%
need 2.35%
checkbook 2.05%
demand 1.52%
interest 1.36%
account 1.22%
concern 0.89%
risk 0.63%
right 0.60%
scale 0.50%
每页显示:    共 15