1.   She tried using perfume to mask the bad odor.

2.   This deodorant prevents bad odor from occurring.

3.   Big business is in bad political odor these days, particularly the greedy drug industry.

4.   A dog afraid of a bad odor?

5.   But dams give off a bad political odor, as even die-hard proponents acknowledge, and a structural solution to the flood problem is not in the cards.

6.   Clearly Gumbel is in bad odor at his adopted network.

7.   Deodorants do much the same thing, killing bacteria and masking bad odors, while antiperspirants actually block sweat glands, clogging them.

8.   He also has studied the effect of bad odors and found that bad odors increase aggressiveness and hamper learning.

9.   If politics itself is in bad odor today, political consulting emits a stench as potent as its most notorious practitioner.

10.   Instead, insecurity is permeating the Seattle basketball scene like a bad odor.

a. + odor >>共 175
foul 12.27%
strong 8.48%
bad 4.51%
unpleasant 4.15%
pungent 3.07%
noxious 2.53%
musty 2.53%
acrid 1.99%
fishy 1.81%
chemical 1.62%
bad + n. >>共 658
weather 8.82%
loan 5.63%
thing 3.68%
guy 3.57%
luck 3.23%
day 2.71%
time 2.34%
idea 2.01%
one 1.39%
publicity 1.24%
odor 0.10%
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