1.   He then appoints the members of the cabinet and clearly dominates the cabinet in the governmental process.

2.   The audit committee should be formally established as a sub-committee accountable to the board, and the board should appoint its members.

3.   The committee members are appointed by the Committee of Selection.

4.   The other eight PFKG Cabinet members were appointed as advisers at the Presidential Office with full ministerial rank.

5.   One Rotuman would be nominated to the Senate by the Rotuma Island Council, and nine other members would be appointed by the President from other racial groups.

6.   Five members were newly appointed including two women.

7.   All members will be appointed by honourary officers.

8.   Has she appointed more members in the interval, or is she proposing to talk to herself?

v. + member >>共 634
include 6.76%
arrest 3.73%
kill 3.60%
have 3.22%
meet 2.03%
appoint 1.73%
say 1.34%
recruit 1.32%
lose 1.28%
expel 1.13%
appoint + n. >>共 343
member 7.66%
commission 6.22%
judge 5.04%
successor 3.11%
minister 2.85%
replacement 2.71%
governor 2.58%
lawyer 2.32%
woman 2.28%
director 1.88%
每页显示:    共 174