1.   Analysts contend that government forces will never score an outright military victory.

2.   Analysts contend that many health care businesses stand to benefit from growing demands for care from aging baby boomers.

3.   Analysts also contend that CBS needs to find a way to get into cable programming, a field in which ABC, NBC and Fox are all quite active.

4.   Analysts contend that its problems were isolated.

5.   Analysts contend, though, that with President Bill Clinton offering a plan of his own, this could be the best shot at comprehensive change in two decades.

6.   Analysts contend Lucent feared it risked becoming a doomed dinosaur like Digital Equipment or Data General if it ignored the trend away from jumbo mainframe-like switches.

7.   Analysts contend that other access providers will follow Netcom.

8.   Analysts contend that owning timberland is a good investment over the long run.

9.   Analysts contend that some energy sellers fueled the crisis by bidding up prices.

10.   Analysts contend that until the government seeks to resolve these larger problems, especially the bad debt debacle, growth will be stunted.

n. + contend >>共 627
critic 8.29%
official 6.96%
prosecutor 5.29%
government 4.73%
lawyer 2.89%
group 2.73%
company 2.47%
defense 2.42%
suit 2.27%
opponent 2.09%
analyst 1.87%
analyst + v. >>共 240
say 55.41%
expect 7.01%
be 3.22%
believe 3.15%
predict 2.90%
agree 1.47%
warn 1.33%
see 1.32%
suggest 1.16%
think 1.15%
contend 0.23%
每页显示:    共 84