1.   On Wednesday, they threatened to withdraw support for a minimum wage boost if the so-called poison pill amendment passed.

2.   And a television commercial paid for by the sugar industry features black employees saying they will lose their jobs if the amendment passes.

3.   And yet now the amendment passes, having failed in the House through all the years in which the deficit was really out of control.

4.   Asked if an amendment could pass, he said he was in the midst of a whip count of House members.

5.   Back then, as now, amendments first pass through the House and Senate and then proceed to the states for their approval, or ratification.

6.   Backers expect the amendments to pass eventually.

7.   Both Feinstein and Dorgan said they expected the amendment to pass in the Senate.

8.   A balanced budget amendment would pass.

9.   After the amendment passed in the House last month, Congressional Quarterly did a Senate head count.

10.   After the amendment passed, a second amendment was approved by a voice vote to also exclude the Internal Revenue Service.

n. + pass >>共 1728
bill 5.66%
time 4.40%
parliament 3.92%
deadline 3.07%
measure 2.63%
year 2.19%
state 2.00%
day 1.90%
government 1.70%
legislation 1.39%
amendment 0.73%
amendment + v. >>共 322
be 19.54%
require 4.96%
allow 4.60%
pass 4.30%
make 3.15%
have 2.48%
fail 2.36%
give 2.12%
go 1.81%
need 1.15%
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