1.   Earlier in the day, a burst of high altitude winds from the west had ripped heavy thunderstorms away from Tropical Storm Mitch, initiating a weakening trend.

2.   However, unfavorable high altitude winds from the southwest will prevent a tropical depression from developing.

3.   Normally strong high altitude winds stifle the growth of tropical storms born this early in the season.

4.   Vertical wind shear is the difference between high altitude and low altitude winds.

5.   With high altitude winds supplying ample tropical moisture, heavy rain amounts will cause local flooding.

6.   After that, the high altitude winds now blowing east to west will shift direction until next December.

7.   After that, high altitude winds now blowing east to west will shift direction until next December.

8.   After that, the high altitude winds now blowing in a favorable westward direction will shift until next December.

9.   Once plugged into higher altitude winds, the sometimes vibrant plumes can be charted.

10.   That flight also was plagued by worries that Fossett, who will be propelled eastward around the globe by high altitude winds, did not have enough oxygen.

n. + wind >>共 273
force 11.80%
east 10.66%
gale 5.51%
winter 5.16%
gale-force 5.07%
north 3.58%
hurricane-force 3.41%
hurricane 3.06%
ocean 2.19%
desert 1.75%
altitude 1.14%
altitude + n. >>共 71
training 17.24%
wind 8.97%
flight 5.52%
record 4.83%
tent 3.45%
change 2.76%
illness 2.07%
increase 2.07%
indicator 2.07%
room 2.07%
每页显示:    共 13