1.   And at the insistence of security-screening companies, a number of carriers have raised pay for airport screeners.

2.   A new requirement that airport screeners be American citizens is discriminatory and ridiculous, civil rights and immigrant groups said Thursday.

3.   Airport screeners are now employed by the airlines.

4.   But in the current climate, officials say criminal background checks are vital for airport screeners.

5.   But the airline industry has used its leverage at the FAA to delay or dilute many recommendations, including the enhanced training for airport screeners.

6.   But we shall resist the cheap shot here and reach for a more sober assessment of airport security screeners.

7.   But Timothy Edgar, legislative council with the ACLU, said that federal airport screeners are not equivalent to peace officers.

8.   Certainly everybody has a story about inattentive airport screeners.

9.   Currently, most airport screeners are hired and trained by airlines following standards set by the Federal Aviation Administration.

10.   He said Congress should create tougher standards for airport screeners.

n. + screener >>共 21
airport 33.33%
security 25.00%
baggage 21.21%
checkpoint 3.03%
passenger 3.03%
airline 1.52%
bag 1.52%
luggage 1.52%
breach 0.76%
call 0.76%
airport + n. >>共 679
official 14.11%
security 7.70%
authority 4.33%
terminal 3.09%
worker 2.85%
spokesman 2.59%
runway 2.02%
police 1.99%
employee 1.71%
manager 1.57%
screener 0.82%
每页显示:    共 44