1.   No mention was made of the other eleven persons on board and no mention of how the aircraft had crashed.

2.   Realising that the aircraft had crashed, two witness made their way to the wreckage in order to assist the pilot.

3.   This could arise if an aircraft crashed and there was damage to houses in the area.

4.   Thacker baled out into the sea, and the aircraft crashed off Delimara Point.

5.   The families of nine airmen killed when their Hercules aircraft crashed in Scotland have taken part in a memorial service at RAF Lyneham.

6.   At that point, the passengers apparently attacked the terrorists, causing the aircraft to crash before it reached Washington.

7.   At the same time, U.S. officials stressed that no ground troops were being deployed except to rescue downed NATO fliers if their aircraft crash in enemy territory.

8.   Black said the tower continued transmitting updates, even after the accident, apparently unaware the aircraft had crashed.

9.   In the past five years, four commercial aircraft have crashed after takeoff from Kennedy Airport in Queens.

10.   Like the plane that crashed on Wednesday, these aircraft crashed while approaching airports for landing.

n. + crash >>共 441
plane 32.19%
helicopter 12.06%
jet 5.00%
car 4.57%
aircraft 4.57%
airplane 1.86%
computer 1.21%
bus 1.16%
airliner 1.16%
system 1.13%
aircraft + v. >>共 399
be 15.55%
fly 5.77%
crash 5.46%
return 3.61%
have 3.00%
take 2.90%
land 2.83%
bomb 2.80%
carry 2.19%
come 1.96%
每页显示:    共 161