1.   The extent to which any one partner may bind the firm must be settled by agreement at the outset.

2.   Board members have been warned by their lawyers that if the lawsuit is not settled by agreement they can look forward to being deposed.

3.   But the agreement settles the dispute and will let Microsoft get on with the business of promoting OLE as the industry standard.

4.   Canadian industry officials said they hope a new agreement will settle any disputes between Canadian and U.S. wood producers for at least another five years.

5.   The agreement settled a lawsuit filed last June by the gay and lesbian groups and was signed by Judge Sybil Moses of Bergen County Superior Court in Hackensack.

6.   The agreement settles charges that the struggling computer maker misrepresented that the upgrade was available to consumers when they purchased the computers or within a reasonable time thereafter.

7.   The agreement settles a civil suit under a federal conflict-of-interest statute.

8.   The agreement settled one of the largest antitrust cases in U.S. history and lived on as the defacto telecom policy in the U.S. for more than a decade.

9.   The agreement settles a federal enforcement case that the company had tried to derail in Congress last year through a provision in a Senate bill sponsored by Bob Dole.

10.   The agreement settles a lengthy lawsuit over their profitable partnership, which operates USA Network, one of the highest-rated cable channels, and the Sci-Fi Channel.

n. + settle >>共 805
dust 7.01%
company 5.44%
family 2.86%
side 2.62%
future 1.85%
government 1.53%
party 1.33%
agreement 1.17%
firm 1.13%
people 1.05%
agreement + v. >>共 391
be 27.98%
call 3.68%
come 3.41%
allow 3.17%
include 2.56%
provide 2.08%
have 2.07%
give 2.00%
require 1.97%
cover 1.82%
settle 0.26%
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