1.   But the agreement did not address a major concern of investors, failing to provide exchange-rate controls.

2.   But the agreement does not address market barriers to textiles and apparel, which are left for further talks.

3.   Esteban Torres, the spokesman for the National Hispanic Media Coalition and a former Democratic congressman from California, said that agreement did not address issues specific to Hispanics.

4.   For example, Ward said, the easement agreement should address issues of snow removal, maintenance, repair and even future replacement of the shared driveway.

5.   Local agreements address issues such as plant staffing and health and safety.

6.   Still, it remains unclear how the peace agreement would address the issue.

7.   That agreement did not address NATO demands that an international military force, with NATO at its core, secure the return of Kosovo refugees.

8.   The agreement does not address the issue of sovereignty, nor do the Inuit renounce their own claims to northern portions of Quebec.

9.   The stipulated agreement also addresses activities at downtown Pershing Square, granting protesters more time to obtain permits and the right to a stage and a sound system.

10.   Critics say the agreement does not address the root causes of poverty.

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