1.   It adjusts the heat needed to incubate the egg by adding to or subtracting from the amount of compost piled above it.

2.   Adjust the heat of the barbecue by opening and closing the air vents.

3.   Add the white wine vinegar and adjust heat to maintain the water just below a simmer.

4.   Adjust heat accordingly, and add remaining anchovies.

5.   Adjust heat as needed.

6.   Adjust heat to maintain a gentle, active boil.

7.   Add butter to skillet, and adjust heat to medium.

8.   Add the citron slices and adjust the heat so they cook without boiling.

9.   Add the quince, cover and adjust the heat to maintain a gentle simmer.

10.   Add the liquid, and adjust the heat so that the mixture simmers gently.

v. + heat >>共 330
reduce 14.21%
take 9.06%
feel 6.78%
turn 6.53%
increase 3.05%
generate 2.93%
raise 2.25%
keep 2.03%
trap 1.93%
have 1.74%
adjust 1.13%
adjust + n. >>共 682
seasoning 7.55%
figure 4.22%
rate 2.82%
price 2.77%
position 2.60%
portfolio 2.09%
schedule 1.88%
heat 1.49%
number 1.45%
amount 1.41%
每页显示:    共 35