1.   And yet there is an added urgency to win a championship.

2.   Cinquanta gave the impression his proposed scoring system was months in the making, but the judging scandal surrounding the pairs competition last week gave the reforms added urgency.

3.   Even the early arrival this year of Hanukkah, which starts Sunday night, seemed to bring no added urgency.

4.   That added urgency to the task, he said.

5.   The generational dispute takes on added urgency with the growing political clout of the elderly.

6.   The new efforts to resolve the budget impasse took on added urgency as stock and bond prices tumbled, partly in reaction to the disarray in Washington.

7.   The prospect that the region could lose not only current business but also the hope of future growth lends added urgency to the need for comprehensive strategy.

8.   The researchers are saddened that their son shares their ailment, but it gives added urgency to their work and that of their colleagues.

9.   The White House sees added urgency for a deal because Netanyahu has talked about flying to Jerusalem or New York before the Sabbath, which starts at sundown today.

10.   Though Clinton offered no proposals to curtail free speech Monday, he spoke with added urgency, calling on Americans to be vigilant and determined in confronting extremists.

a. + urgency >>共 131
new 25.80%
greater 7.99%
added 5.25%
same 4.11%
special 3.20%
great 2.97%
particular 2.05%
increasing 1.60%
utmost 1.37%
fresh 1.37%
added + n. >>共 848
cost 3.87%
pressure 3.58%
bonus 3.03%
benefit 2.88%
security 2.50%
incentive 2.39%
advantage 1.89%
weight 1.86%
burden 1.51%
protection 1.46%
urgency 0.67%
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