61.   The doctor was good to her, and gave her some instruction before he left her.

62.   " "You have been good to all of us. " "

63.   It seems to me so far I've been very good to you.

64.   You alone do the work, and you are so good to everybody.

65.   You've been very good to me.

66.   Now they were all very happy, as I told you, and loved the shepherd dearly that was so good to them— all except one foolish little lamb.

67.   The shepherd is so good to us, that we should always do as he bids us; and if you wander about by yourself, I dare say you will come to some harm.

68.   I wanted to give it to the Emperor, because he is good to my mamma.

69.   And at ten o'clock he would take his hat and cane and tell Anne to be good to herself, and go home.

70.   Old Stephen kept him for three or four years and was as good to him as if he'd been his own son.

v. + good + to >>共 9
be 81.52%
seem 8.18%
look 4.55%
taste 2.12%
make 1.21%
appear 0.91%
feel 0.61%
sound 0.61%
smell 0.30%
be + good + p. >>共 31
for 43.49%
to 25.21%
as 9.75%
of 8.62%
at 5.81%
in 1.78%
with 0.94%
about 0.56%
after 0.56%
upon 0.37%
每页显示:    共 269