51.   Blackbirds and jays are very good to practice on but the very best would be a coot, sometimes called crow duck or mudhen.

52.   One and a half or two inch wire brads are good to use in stretching skins, but 3d wire lath nails will do; the longer brads are more easily handled.

53.   He's very good to me.

54.   "Fortune was very good to us at first.

55.   " "Dear Daddy, " said Marjorie, caressing his hand in both her own, "you are so good to us; and I do hope it will rain next Ourday! " "

56.   She went alone and quickly into the hall, and kissed either door-post, whispering: "Be good to me.

57.   Now that the thing had come so near, what guarantee had she that he would be good to her if she gave him everything that she possessed?

58.   She did not doubt that if she took him at his word he would be good to her, and provide her with shelter, and food and raiment, as he had promised her.

59.   And Naldo said, perhaps you were a saint, and that made me tremble a little, though the saints are very good, I know; and you were good to me, and now you have taken care of Lillo.

60.   She set out at once towards the village, her mind filled now with the effort to soothe the little dark creature, and with wondering how she should win some woman to be good to it.

v. + good + to >>共 9
be 81.52%
seem 8.18%
look 4.55%
taste 2.12%
make 1.21%
appear 0.91%
feel 0.61%
sound 0.61%
smell 0.30%
be + good + p. >>共 31
for 43.49%
to 25.21%
as 9.75%
of 8.62%
at 5.81%
in 1.78%
with 0.94%
about 0.56%
after 0.56%
upon 0.37%
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