31.   And now papa has been good to me, and how quickly one's sorrow is over.

32.   The neighbours were very good to her: occasionally some had the children in to meals, occasionally some would do the downstairs work for her, one would mind the baby for a day.

33.   Her husband was good to her but was in a shop, and came home late.

34.   And she was good to him.

35.   But you can trust him to be good to her?

36.   Mr. Peacocke, as he left the rectory, did feel that the Doctor had been very good to him.

37.   It is because of him who has always been good to me as the other was bad, who has made me wonder at the noble instincts of a man, as the other has made me shudder at his possible meanness.

38.   I would not give my girl to the greatest and richest nobleman under the British Crown, if I did not think that he would love her and be good to her, and treat her as a husband should treat his wife.

39.   Say, it's good to hev a boy aboard again.

40.   She is very good to fishermen all the time.

v. + good + to >>共 9
be 81.52%
seem 8.18%
look 4.55%
taste 2.12%
make 1.21%
appear 0.91%
feel 0.61%
sound 0.61%
smell 0.30%
be + good + p. >>共 31
for 43.49%
to 25.21%
as 9.75%
of 8.62%
at 5.81%
in 1.78%
with 0.94%
about 0.56%
after 0.56%
upon 0.37%
每页显示:    共 269